Hi-Vis Figures

Presented here are a set of 6 figures wearing hi-vis clothing in 1:50th scale from Conrad, produced exclusively for Australian based Quarry Diecast Models.

The set comprises of a sitting driver and five standing workers, one holding a remote control device and one adjusting his mobile phone earpiece.

Above left, wearing orange trousers and a flourescent yellow jacket, this figure has one hand towards his ear, adjusting his white hard hat. A black belt is painted around his waist and he has black safety boots.

He is accompanied by the foreman with an open orange jacket, orange top and dark blue trousers. He has a yellow hard hat and brown boots. (Above right)

The service engineer is wearing a one piece shiny orange boilersuite with silver trim and white hard hat with black boots (below)

To the right, standing with hands on hips and modelling a pair of dark blue trousers and orange jacket with silver trim and a white hard hat.

The figures are an ideal addition to any mining model, shown here posing on the Wirtgen 4200SM Surface Miner.

These figures are available in the UK from AT&C Diecast Models

The driver figure is in a seated position with hands on his knees wearing dark blue trousers, an orange mid-sleeve top and white hard hat.