Mercedes Benz Sprinter Van

Mercedes Sprinter Van

Presented here is the limited edition 1:50th scale Mercedes Sprinter from Conrad in the Eurovia livery. The sprinter is a versatile van and Conrad have done a great job of capturing the aesthetics and functionality, with opening rear and side doors with a replicated cab interior and a steering front axle.

Mercedes Sprinter Van

The Eurovia decoration has been accurately applied with crisp printing of the logos and familiar red and blue stripe along with red and white chevron safety markings on the rear doors and around the front. The front grill sports the Mercedes Benz logo with semi-transparent lenses for the main driving lights. Upper vents have been added to the front bonnet and the contoured front bumper houses an authentic printed numberplate.

Mercedes Sprinter Van

The rear doors open a full 180 degrees which demonstrates some good engineering of the hinges and  the sliding side door is a nice addition on the model and works very well, using the small raised section on the underside of the chassis to extend and slide the door as required.

Mercedes Sprinter Van

The interior panels are plastic and integrate well with the metal structure, giving a very convincing appearance. Self-fit rear view mirrors need fitting to the cab frame with black printing used to simulate the window seals for added realism. The side door and side panel have printed windows which are an interesting addition to the model and look fairly realistic.

Mercedes Sprinter Van

The casting of the side body panels has accurately captured the detailing of the full sized van with ridges visible on the roof panel along with two amber beacons. The corner mounted brake lights have red tinted plastic lenses which fit snugly and the contoured rear bumper is at the same height as the inner floor which integrates nicely.

Mercedes Sprinter Van

The front axle is adjustable with a reasonable degree of movement, while the rubber tyres have an authentic moulded road tread pattern with plastic wheel hubs finishing off another interesting release in the Eurovia model collection from Conrad (Pictured above alongside the Eurovia decorated Liebherr R313 tracked excavator).