No 3 : Poclain 350CK Face Shovel

 Poclain 350CK Shovel

This is the new 1:50th scale Poclain 350CK tracked face shovel from Conrad. It is the third release in the Poclain Heritage Collection and is an update to the previously released 350 backhoe model. The addition of the face shovel front end has given a new lease of life for the model and is an addition that most Poclain model collectors have been waiting for.

Poclain 350CK Shovel

The undercarriage is a new casting and features individually linked tensioned metal tracks as now appears to be the norm for Conrad tracked excavator models. The upper structure is the same casting as the original backhoe model with detailed walkways, hand rails and stepped access to the upper structure. The cab used on the model is the same as the original casting with a metal cab guard added for extra realism.

Poclain 350CK Shovel

The face shovel boom is a brand new casting and is fully functional. The bucket is well detailed and opens to dump the load just as the real machine.

The hydraulic pipework is cast into the main boom with flexible hoses added between the boom and upper structure. The paint finish and markings are crisp and clear

Poclain 350CK Shovel

Poclain 350CK Shovel

The 350CK face shovel model will be very popular not only with new collectors but also with the collectors who bought the original Poclain models 20 or so years ago. The next model in the series is currently expected to be released late 2006 with the fifth model already in development for release in 2007.