1:50th Scale Manitowoc 4100W Vicon Equipped Lift Crane

Manitowoc 4100 lift crane

Presented here is the 1:50th scale Manitowoc 4100W Vicon Equipped lift crane.

Manitowoc 4100 lift crane

The packaging for the 4100W is excellent, with the model very well protected in a two piece polystyrene inner carton. The outer cardboard box is very sturdy with the top lifting off to reveal the inner carton.

The inside cover of the lid has detailed instructions on how to assemble the model and there is also an A4 sized booklet giving detailed specifications and lifting capacities of the real crane.

Manitowoc 4100 lift crane

The model does require some assembly with the undercarriage weights, complete with access ladders, rear mounted counterweights, side mounted counterweights and boom sections all provided in the box. The boom features an open throat and 4.5 degree offset boom top with small screws used to join the boom sections together. A four shieve load block and headache ball are supplied with the model, complete with chain accessory.

Manitowoc 4100 lift crane

The cab is fully reproduced with controls, detailed operator seat and sliding cab door. Grab rails and front mounted wind screen wiper are visible on the outside of the cab complete with replicated diamond plate walkways along with gantry access ladder and radiator cooling grill visible behind the cab.

Manitowoc 4100 lift crane

The undercarraige weights are connected to the model by friction fit lugs which push into the holes on the frame. The tracks are individually linked and the idler wheels are sprung loaded to keep the tension. One very nice touch here is the visible drive chain on the outside of the track frame which actually moves as the tracks rotate. I am not aware of a mass produced tracked crane model which features a working drive chain.
Bolt detail is also visible on each track pad.

Manitowoc 4100 lift crane

The A-frame lifts into place and has extending rear supports which fit into each other while the main boom winch in housed deep within the body. The side of the model features a sliding door giving access to the engine compartment, complete with detailed engine block. There is also a roof mounted panel which opens, showing more of the internal engine details along with a roof mounted exhaust stack. The front chain case door also opens to show more internal details.

Manitowoc 4100 lift crane

The boom is connected to the block with rope pendant lines which screw into place using the supplied screws. The main A-frame is already rigged although because the block is loose, the ropes easily come off the shieves during transport, even though they have masking tape to hold the rope in place. It took me about 20 minutes to get the rope back onto all the pulleys and I can see this causing frustration with some collectors.

Manitowoc 4100 lift crane

The two main winch drums are operated using the supplied winding key by inserting it through the small holes in the body side. The rear counterweight parts connect to each other using friction fit lugs and plastic inserts. Once the three rear pieces are assembled, the side weights slide into place and help lock the weights together. The paint finish is first class with authentic red and black colour scheme with accurate decal placement.