1:50th Scale Liebherr L510 Stereo Loader "Max Wild" livery

Liebherr L510 "Max Wild"

This is the Liebherr L510 Stereo Loader from NZG in the distinctive green/white colours of Max Wild. The model is an excellent replica with nicely detailed features. The model features opening doors and a fully detailed cab interior. The bucket raises, lowers and tips like the real machine. There is even hydraulic hoses on the loader arms and tip cylinder. The paint finish is crisp, with clear markings.

Liebherr L510 "Max Wild"

Steering is authentically reproduced with the rear wheels turning as well as being articulated. The cab has all the mirrors and lights visible and the opening doors are a good addition, especially on a model this small.

Liebherr L510 and A309 models in "Max Wild" livery