Grove GMK3055 Mobile Crane in "Mammoet" Livery

Grove GMK3055 in Mammoet Livery

Grove GMK3055 in Mammoet Livery

 This is the Grove GMK3055 mobile crane in 1:50th scale from TWH. The quality and detail on the model is fantastic and is another great addition to the growing collection of company painted cranes that have been manufactured.

 The paint finish on the model is superb and all decals and markings are excellent. There is a lot of detail on this model and it is another fine example of what TWH can produce.

The front cab is hinged and can be tilted forward to reveal the engine compartment. The front of the cab also has a metal hoop that allows the hook to be placed in transport mode. All the wheels can be steered independently of each other and have drive train details. The stabilisers are fully functional and made of metal so should hold the weight of the model when extended.

Grove GMK3055 in Mammoet Livery

The rear cab detail is well done, including grab rails, windscreen wipers and fully detailed cab interior. The cab tilts by about 30 degrees. The rear of the model features the detailed couterweights which even have the weight markings on them. They are fixed so cannot be easily removed from the model.

Grove GMK3055 in Mammoet Livery

The rear of the boom mount houses two winches and the hydraulic hose detail has been added. The boom consists of  6 sections and is complemented with a two section lattice extension with hydraulic angle adjustment.